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Today with many options available for purchasing things on credit, it can be easy for finances to get out of control. Then you constantly feel like you’re taking two steps forward and one step back! There is no shame in turning to bankruptcy, especially when your debts are ruling your life. In fact bankruptcy is a tool to pursuing financial freedom, and is there to help people like you get a fresh start financially.
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Whether you’re getting married soon or you already are married, you might be wondering how bankruptcy works with marriage.
Maybe years ago you maxed out your credit cards for a wedding, thinking you could pay them off, or life brought on a hard time and you had to rely on cards and loans to get through it, but now you’re drowning in monthly payments. Even if one spouse came into marriage with a mountain of debt while the other has none, it can be difficult to manage and keep up with the payments. Your life and your marriage don’t need that added financial stress, but then the question is, how does marriage affect filing for bankruptcy?